Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Community of CA2020 in Pictures!

As one of the community of Create Abundance's shutterbugs, it never fails to bring delight in my heart to capture every shining moment this community is bestowing upon each Core Team member and to others. 

I would like to share some of the group pictures I took for every community's celebration of success and contribution.

Success Seminar Celebration at Philippine International Convention Center, March 2010

Dream Building Punta Fuega Trip, January 2010

Create Abundance in Tagaytay City, January 2010

This is how we eat lunch as a family. Dalampasigan, Nasugbu, Batangas, January 2010

2nd Year Anniversary / Feeding Program at DSWD in Quezon City, February 2010

This is the community who shares their time contributing to others by doing our mission of spreading financial education and feeding programs.

Join us and be part of the community's mission and vision.

This is Create Abundance 2020 Business Community -- dedicated to create a world that works for all!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Game That Can Change Your Life

Cashflow is an exciting way to learn business and investing without the actual risk.
It’s practically an M.B.A. for anyone who wants to learn how to get out of the so-called “rat-race” and be financially free, rich and wealthy.
Cashflow is Money, Business and Accounting packed into a fun board game to play.
The game was created by Robert Kiyosaki, author of the best-selling business book Rich Dad Poor Dad.
There’s Cashflow 101 for fundamental investing. Cashflow 202 is for technical investing and challenging learnings. There’s also Cashflow for Kids.

The key lessons of playing this board game:
  • Learn how to take control of your finances
  • Learn how to write your personal financial statement
  • Why most people are stuck in employment and job
  • How to get out of the “rat-race”
  • Get out of the “rat-race” by increasing passive income
  • Learn the difference between capital gains and cashflow
  • Learn leverage and use it to your advantage
  • Learn Financial Education
This game is a simulation of learning business in a fun and exciting board game. It is a very effective way of learning financial education because it allows the players and participants to make mistakes during the game– in doing business and investments– without risking any actual amount of cash.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Is Success Guaranteed?

All of us want to be successful. Yes, or Yes?

(Raise your hand and comment below why you don’t want to reach the success you’ve dreamed of)

The answer to the question “Is Success Guaranteed?” is a big NO.

The Meaning of Success

We may have different interpretations of what Success means, so to keep you readers on the same page as I am, let me define what I mean with it.

Examples of Successes

  • Finishing first in a 100-meter track and field tournament is success for an athlete runner.
  • Giving birth to a healthy child is success for a willing mother.
  • Passing the RN board exams is success for a future nurse.
  • Winning the election is success for a presidential aspirant.
  • If you subscribe to the idea of this blog and act on it, is success to the author.

Success in general is the realization of an objective.

I am referring to the ultimate success of all. For me, the realization of a person’s dreams and life goals is the ultimate success.

Fact is, dreams and goals cost money.

Let me show you why.

Say, your dream is just to have a simple life with a simple family living in a simple house in a simple place, with a simple car. You would send your children to a simple school. You’d travel (with the entire family, of
course) to places at least once in a year. You want also simple things like tv, ref, phone, fixtures and others.

My dream calculator says:

Simple house – 2,000,000

Simple car – 300,000

Simple school (15 years at 20000 per year tuition) – 300,000

Simple travel (you wouldn’t want to travel alone right?) – 500,000

Simple things – 100,000

Based on above assumptions, to have your simple dreams fulfilled, you need 3.2 million pesos.

Excluding all the other necessities to live such as food, clothing, daily transport, utilities. Does it still sound simple? I don’t think so anymore.

Now what if you have BIG dreams? You can just imagine how BIG the cost you need to get to your dreams. Agree? =)

Failure is Guaranteed

Unfortunately for most, Filipinos are educated and trained to become employees. It is because the education system was and still is designed to produce employees instead of entrepreneurs.

Can you get to your dreams if you’re an employee? Answer: Absolutely not

Okay, you may be a high salaried joe with a 6-digit wage. This brings me to another fact.

Dreams need time. Time to spend your dreams with the ones that matter to you most. And I know that employee executives in a company spends more time than rank and file. Which gives them less valuable time to spend their high income.

Just ask yourself if your happy with the current state of your life. (I bet all of you would answer no.)

What is guaranteed in life? Answer: Failure.

Doing nothing entails failure. If you do nothing, nothing will happen and that will not get you any closer to your ultimate success.

If you do something, something will happen. It’s not guaranteed that you’ll be successful immediately. But if you keep on doing something, something is going to keep on happening. That’s where success will come in

Business is the only fighting chance we all have to reach our goals and dreams. Not just any business but big business as described here (click me). It’s because it’s business that will give you cashflow without you needing to work for money in exchange of time.

We, Core Team of Create Abundance, our mission is to share to you ways and means to learn business, to learn financial education. We learn it effectively by doing the real thing Because we want our dream of First World Philippines to happen. We want to succeed.

Are your DREAMS important to you? If yes, start doing something TODAY.

Jervis Salvador, teach a man to fish and you feed him for life

If you wish to start your journey to your dreams and would like to join our business community, sign-up to with an invite from "Jervis"

Good LUCK! Success awaits those who stand and make it happen

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Why I Blog

Q. What is this for me?
A. To express.

Q. What is the bearing for me?
A. A means to share my ideas and vision

Q. Why do I care?
A. If I don't, the ability to contribute in small ways will not happen

Q. Why is it important?
A. because contribution for me is a way of life

Q. Why do I do this?
A. I do this because I wan't to explore the wealth of possibilities

Jervis Salvador, teach a man to fish and you feed him for life
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